The Start of Match Month

In March of 2016 the Dane G. Hansen Foundation announced the launch of their Match Month initiative which gave local community foundations the opportunity to maximize donations by receiving a match on the first $50,000 raised locally. Initially the program matched $1 for every dollar raised. In later years, the match increased to $1.50 for every dollar raised, and eventually in 2022 the Dane G Hansen Foundation announced yet another increase bringing the match to $2 for every $1 dollar raised!

The implementation of this initiative has significantly impacted and increased SVCF’s granting ability through the growth of their Community Impact Fund. In fact, Solomon Valley Community Foundation is one of few foundations within Hansen’s 26 county region to meet their $50,000 match goal every year. To date the Match Month campaigns have generated over $385,000 in local donations. When factoring in the match from the Hansen Foundation, a total of over $861,073 dollars have been raised!

Match Month, and its increased 2 to 1 match, is guaranteed through November of 2026. In addition, partners such as the Patterson Family Foundation have also started to support rural community foundations in their efforts to raise dollars locally with the incentive of matching funds, allowing for an even greater opportunity for impact dollars to remain local. Stay tuned, Match Month 2023 will be one for the books. You won’t want to miss it!